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Introducing The Unpublished Reviews

Writer's picture: HerHer

The Unpublished Reviews have begun and in the weeks since its inception it has steadily begun to gain a loyal readership. But what is the Unpublished Reviews? Epeolatry London's Wattpad work is the home of our reviews of the writers' of Wattpad works. These authors of fan-fiction and original content narratives are all unpublished, but a minority have gone on to gain the attention of publishers and their career as writers have bloomed.

Our reviews will always be set out into three sections;

- Epeolatry London's review of the work as a whole; focusing on the language, style, grammar, etc.

- Her's opinion of the narrative, content and how the narrative is brought together,

- Our recommended improvements.

The last part of our reviews is aimed directly at the author, and other authors. Currently, all of the works reviewed for the Unpublished Reviews are by Her, and at the core of it is her passion for the writing.

Her understands the difficulty with writing, and her experiences, have left her with a deep empathy for those who continue to strive despite the obstacles in their way. And it is from this stems her passion for guiding, reading, and promoting the unpublished works of others. Her hopes, that by reviewing the work of unpublished authors, she can help them to improve an evolve their talent and writing skills; and in the cases of those that do not need it to get them a bigger audience.Some of these reviews may even make it onto Epeolatry London's site!

Despite the reviews currently being centred on Wattpad, they will soon spread to the work on other sites, and could very well include:

- Kindle World

- Goodreads

- Archive of our own

- Inkitt

- Booksie

- Prose

Check out the Unpublished Reviews and you may just discover an uncut diamond!


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