Home of the Unpublished; promoting the unknown, nurturing the blossoming, and reviewing the upcoming
The Review
The force behind Epeolatry London's reviews is the full shelves of unfinished books; not because of plot but the way it was constructed. This lead to a creation of a three-system, of which the first reviews how well the story is brought to life through the language, syntax, character creation, etc. No personal opinion will be included within this section (thats for the next part!)
The star system of The Review is seperate from the one given in The Opinion and is based on the level of improvement needed, and how well it read.
Major Improvements needed
Minor improvements needed
A few tweaks required
No improvements required
The Opinion
This is where Her gets her say; the good, the bad, and the disappointing. The star system of The Opinion differentiates from The Review by being based on how much Her enjoyed reading it.
Daydream Inspiration
Boredom Buster
Wasted Money
The Recommendation
The Recommendations sections is for authors, and prospective writers. It looks at how the narrative can be improved and is a resource for all authors who are struggling. Writing does not need to be expensive.
The works submitted to Epeolatry London must be:
a vanity publication,
present on an online writing medium (like Wattpad or Medium).
Epeolatry London is focussed on the Unpublished; reviewing, nurturing and promoting those who struggle to be published through the traditional route.
Every submission must feature:
a synopsis,
the genre,
the deadline should there be one.
I may request a taster of the submission if I remain undecided.
If the work submitted for review is from an online writing community then the following information must also be included within the submission;
the first chapter or an extract,
primary tags and genre,
a working URL.
Submissions that do not follow guidelines will be ignored
Submissions will not be given first priority
The only thing hidden at Epeolatry London is the real name of Her; i.e, me. All reviews will feature honest critique, the most up-to-date data at the time of writing, and complete honesty in the means of how the story was obtained. Honesty is not just a core principle for me but seen as essential to the spreading of the wings of the Unpublished!
Take a chance, message me!